We hope everyone has had time to relax and enjoy the summer. It does seem so far away now with Autumn settling in.
Remember if you would like to give someone special a gift to remember treat them to
a Gift Voucher available for all our therapies & classes.
Do you know someone who lives with Dementia?
If so, you may find it difficult to connect & wish you could support them a little more. If you want to learn how to communicate better on their terms & connect more effectively using positive touch techniques, Massaging People Living with Dementia covers all this and much much more.
This fun, thought provoking & powerful training day equips friends, family, professionals & therapists with immediately practical tools to enable more meaningful communication & connection which can make the road a little less bumpy with loved ones & build practitioner confidence for professionals.
“My training day with yourself was very powerful, I’ve never felt that before through training & I can’t express that enough. It was professional, knowledgeable, humane, compassionate & emotional. Thank you.” Vicky, Massage Practitioner, Suffolk
For enquiries or bookings contact our resident specialist in this field, Nicolle Mitchell:
Email: nicolle@tlcinabottle.co.uk
Mob: 07899 944650
‘Presenting With Confidence’
Make a positive impact and
impress people with your
public speaking and presentation skills
Invest in yourself with a 1-to-1 presentation skills session
with TLC Tregunna Life Coaching
Tailored to meet your personal needs
Benefit from 3 hours of personal support, including:
Personal Coaching and Mentoring
Managing Nerves and Anxiety
Engaging with Your Audience
Key Principles
Practice in a Safe Environment
Confidential Feedback
Take-Away Information
Special Offer for Blue Lotus clients: £89 when booked before 30th November 2019
Contact Brian Tregunna for more information: Tel: 07856571163 tregunnalifecoaching@gmail.com www.tregunnalifecoaching.com
Compass Counselling Cornwall : One to One and Couples
Sally offers a person centred/humanistic approach of counselling/therapy which incorporates warmth, empathy, honesty, acceptance, support and understanding.
Sally has extensive experience of supporting adults with anxiety, depression, addiction, abuse, family difficulties and other issues.
Sally has experience in working with couples who are experiencing difficulties in communication and family life, and is able to support you to find a different way of relating and interacting with each other within your relationship.
She is passionate about helping you get to the heart of your distress or anxiety, and believes that together we will untangle your difficulties and explore them, working out what you can leave behind and how.
If you have any further questions please contact Sally on :
E: compasscounsellingcornwall @gmail.com
W: compasscounsellingcornwall.com.
M: 07999 598045 – text or leave a message
Give your skin a little treat this autumn! As we move into the colder weather, your complexion will appreciate a little extra hydration and protection against the elements. The ‘Made For Life Organics’ skincare products contain balms and botanicals that will nourish your skin, balance the oils and form a barrier to trap moisture in, whilst keeping pollutants out.
Come and try these beautiful products for yourself with a relaxing facial at Nalu Beauty, which includes a deep cleanse and exfoliation, steam, massage, replenishing mask and your choice of moisturising balms to finish.
Full details and booking at www.nalubeauty.com.
❤ 100% organic ❤ made in cornwall ❤ vegetarian ❤ no synthetic chemicals ❤ full of botanicals
At the Blue Lotus, Scorrier, Redruth
Learning About & Cooking with Plant-Based Proteins
Learn how to cook with tofu, tempeh, seitan, beans, quinoa and other plant-based proteins.
Ideal for vegetarians, vegans, and people interested in healthy living, and catering for others.
Saturday 19th October 10am to 12noon. Cost £20
Learning About & Cooking with Seaweeds
Learn how to cook with seaweeds and about their amazing health benefits.
We will be covering soups, stews, salads, condiments and sushi recipes, and will be mostly vegan and gluten-free!
Saturday 23th November 10am to 12noon. Cost £20
Qi Gong: Movement & Relaxation Exercises
Regularly classes held at the Blue Lotus in blocks of 4 weekly sessions for £28
on Wednesdays 6.30 to 7.30pm and Thursdays 11am to 12noon.
For more information: www.reikidave.co.uk
Or contact your tutor Dave Sowden on:
07791 042260