Welcome to our Autumn Newsletter
Autumn has certainly arrived with those morning chills and drawn in evenings but we have been fortunate to have had such lovely summer warmth.
So much has happened since writing our Spring Newsletter it difficult to know where to begin.
We did close for a period due to Covid-19 restrictions, during that time Georgina and Angie cleaned the centre thoroughly and removed all our little niceties from the centre to make the centre Covid secure . We carried out a risk assessment and addressed all concerns to enable us to keep our Blue Lotus therapists and clients safe. We have a new protocol when visiting but its okay if you are unsure before your appointment just “ask”. We want everyone to feel comfortable in these different times.
We have been open for a while now , welcoming clients back with our same warmth and friendliness into our Covid safe environment .
It has been lovely seeing theraapist and regular/new clients familiar faces coming back into the centre .
Please can we encourage clients , where possible, to consider using the newly launched NHS Covid-19 app.
We understand you may not want to or be able to if you do not have a smart phone – and thats okay
If you can however it will help us all stay safe
So when visiting next ask your therapist to scan their QR Code to help with track and trace.
Thank You
Helen Baker from TMJ Massage Therapies has recently joined the team and is delighted to now be offering treatments here at The Blue Lotus Therapy Centre. TMJ Massage Therapies® offers a bespoke holistic treatment to eliminate jaw pain, fix an achey clicky jaw, significantly reduce tension headaches, migraines, sinusitis & tinnitus as well as leaving you relaxed & pain free!
Helen is a highly qualified Integrated Body Therapist and Remedial Massage Therapist specialising in treating clients with TMJ Dysfunction. She has completed advanced Myofascial Release training and Cranial Sacral Therapy focusing on the jaw and neck and uses trigger point therapy to help relieve TMJ pain, headaches, migraines, sinusitis and other associated symptoms.
With an established history of client success both in the UK and Australia, Helen has treated many people who have lived with chronic TMJ pain and associated conditions, where conventional medicine has failed, offering them welcome relief from years of pain. Helen has become a key practitioner in the greater field of alternative medicine, with clients now being referred to her through their Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Hearing Specialists and GPs.
For more information please head to www.tmjmassagetherapies.com or call Helen on 07931709034.
QI GONG – Chinese Health Exercises
Picture dating 168 BCE of ancient Qi Gong exercises
Qi Gong (also spelt Chi Kung) is a mind and body exercise that focuses on mindful movement, breathing and energy work. It is similar in many respects to Tai Chi & Yoga but easier to learn and practice, but with many of the benefits.
Qi Gong helps body alignment and posture, improves breathing, reduces stress, calms the mind, increases energy, builds immunity and stimulates circulation.
Dave Sowden (who has now been practising massage & bodywork at the Blue Lotus for the last 14 years) runs Qi Gong classes Wednesday 6.30pm at the MMI in St. Agnes and Thursday 11am at Ponsanoon Village Hall.
More information about this classes on www.reikidave.co.uk or you can speak to Dave directly on 07791 042260.
Janice Longstaff – Yoga Teacher
Well it’s been a strange time not being able to do my usual Yoga classes at Blue Lotus .
I have resumed teaching at a Sports and Leisure Center in Helston and it is VERY limited!..40 min class with cleaning before and after and our 2 meter spaces marked out with yellow and black hazard tape..ha! Creating the yogic atmosphere here is challenging and of course the urge to adjust my students physically is a frustration, that I can’t.
So sorry for those of you who are missing classes, but you are welcome to join my Zoom yoga class on a Tuesday 5-6pm.
It’s been fun!…and good to connect with people again. zoom is definitely a success but hopefully we can get back to normal soon.
If you’d like to join my Zoom yoga then message me on 07972480910 and I can send details.
Namaste and good health, in Body, Mind and Spirit.
Brian Tregunna
Brian has been busy working with various private and public sector organisations during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, providing a range of mental wellbeing workshops and 1-2-1 coaching to address issues such as anxiety, stress and other negative emotions.
Details about Brian’s services and access to complimentary information is available on his website, www.tregunnalifecoaching.com
‘A Life Now Worth Living’
‘A Life Now Worth Living’, the self-help life coaching book that Brian co-authored with Ashley Gordon, is being featured at the Frankfurt Book Fair, the world’s largest trade fair for books, in October. ‘A Life Now Worth Living’ is available from all major bookshops and online suppliers as well as from the publishers via the following link.
NLP Practitioner Coaching, Time Line Therapy & Hypnotherapy Certification Training
Brian Tregunna is hosting a special personal and professional development opportunity in Falmouth from 22nd to 28th February 2021 in partnership with Personal Breakthrough Solutions. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a proven, empowering methodology for achieving what you want in life, releasing negative emotions, developing positive habits and helping others who want to do the same.
For more information, telephone or text Brian on 07856571163
New Online Therapy Service
Imagine being able to release long-term negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, hurt and guilt without even needing to leave the comfort of your own home.
Well, that is exactly what you can now do thanks to a new online therapy service that Brian Tregunna has developed and proven to be effective with a number of his life coaching clients across Cornwall and beyond.
For more information, email Brian via tregunnalifecoaching@gmail.com
Update & reading recommendations from Nicolle
Well, COVID-19 certainly side-swerved us there for a while!
I have read, blogged, witnessed incredible sunsets & sunrises, bat-watched, fallen in love with chickens (a panic buy pre lockdown!) – & gardened – a lot! I also continued to work as a part-time Speech & Language Therapy Assistant within the NHS. Protocol moved so fast & I had to adapt very quickly to new ways of working. It was important to up my self-care to make sure I dealt with challenges with a rested head and deal more healthily with the increased stress levels.
I am aware that many of us will be grappling with healing processes caused by the impact of the coronavirus. I feel a sense of relief to be back to clinic offering massage & a space to facilitate healing albeit with a restricted service for now. Touch has been “forbidden” in many senses recently & I feel massage may be a great inroad to recovery as people start to connect more physically again. Through touch we can heal mentally, emotionally & socially. Everyone will have different feelings as to when they & how they wish to re-engage & on what level. I think it is important to respect that people will need time & space to do this when they are comfortable & that it may be changeable depending on how things pan out. I hope the online “Psychological First Aid” course I completed will help me support people appropriately.
I have been keeping in touch with colleagues supporting each other as we navigate government & professional guidelines so we can risk assess to implement safe new procedures. PODCASTS!!! etc
This has involved some rigourous training in cross infection risk management and implementing COVID-19 policies to reassure clients that we are working very hard to make your massage experience as safe as possible. Routines have changed a bit for now, but feedback so far is that it’s not so bad wearing a mask & the hands-on de-stress was worth it!
I think the diligence that has been shown by my colleagues is a credit to their professionalism & commitment to our clients.
I have been networking with colleagues in the field of dementia & therapy work to plan online chats about the importance of love in care settings, end of life care & the impact of touch with children. These will be recorded & broadcast by the power of tech & internet in coming months, so watch this space.
Other education I have undertaken during lockdown has been to ensure I continue to create an inclusive space for everyone in my clinic in line with the protected characteristics of the Equality Act of 2010. I have been listening to audio books in relation to Black Lives Matter and attending online training on understanding transgender history. I like my clinic to be a safe space for everyone.
With regard to my end of life work, including people living with dementia, I have been reading a great deal about palliative care and what is involved in improving quality of life when you live with a progressive disease. I can recommend Dr Rachel Clarkes’s “Dear Life” & Dr Kathryn Mannix’s “With the End in Mind” which tell heartwarming stories on life & dying well. Will Schwlabe’s “End of Your Life Bookclub” was another beautiful book which is a celebration of the life of a most extraordinary woman that is Will’s mum.
I have read some hilarious stuff too – honest! Death had a near Dave experience in “How to be Dead” by Dave Turner which I can highly recommend if you need to laugh out loud while you read. We have also enjoyed our best harvest of carrots ever!
Whatever stage you are at, feel free to get in touch with any questions you may have about my service & bookings.
Warm wishes, Nicolle
Holistic Massage Therapist
“Your Health at Heart”
Email: massage4dementia@gmail.com
Tel: 07899 944650