We would like to take this opportunity to send good wishes to all our clients .
We have had a busy year with new therapists joining us, lots of interesting workshops and additional classes in Yoga , Pilates and Qi Gong .
From Janice, our resident Yoga Teacher.
I completed an Air Ambulance Challenge in the Himalayas in October, the aim to reach Annapurna Base Camp which sits at 4,150 m above sea level.
It was very gruelling!….but so thrilled to have done it. Such an amazing place and extreme! The weather was a surprise..28/30 degrees most of the trek/climb so all very sweaty at end of each day until we got closer to Annapurna and there it was below freezing.We arrived there for sunrise. The snowy peaks turned golden as the sun hit them.The top of the World! A very nauseous place to be but totally exhilarating.
We stayed in lovely “Tea Houses” where we were catered for with lovely food, masala tea. Fresh lemon tea is very popular there too
Our Tibetan and Nepalese guides were the nicest and most non-judgemental people…putting up with our moans , carrying over 30 kilos of OUR stuff on their backs with grace and a smile…………most amazing people.
I had no injuries. Lent my knee supports, (all steps climbing up and down…thousands!), to others in the group whose knees were painful, wore the rubbers off my treking poles, (in 11 days!) and am so pleased with my body not giving out!..and that I attribute to my years of Yoga practice…
I huffed and puffed those thousands of steps, walked across recent landslides on roughly made bamboo bridges, precarious!..no Health and Safety there…you just had to go on, as did the locals, carrying EVERYTHING on their backs, from building materials, food, drink, fridges!..wow! totally in awe of these people. So strong and humble.
I’ve raised over £2,000 for Cornwall Air Ambulance. Thank you for your donations. I’ve left the collection pot if you feel guided to add to it and will take it in next week.
Story Hands Massage with Nicolle Mitchell
This past half term I have been delivering Story Hands Massage to a group of children & nursery staff in my local preschool.
Story Massage brings the power of nurturing touch in a safe way combined with story-telling to calm children, improve learning & build attachment. Children love the “Rainbow of Massage” which allows colour & movement to bring stories to life with your hands.
Children always massage each other fully clothed & they always ask permission beforehand & thank each other after; so it underpins good manners. Children can sit and listen if they do not want to give or receive massage. This is the beauty of its inclusivity. Children can air massage too & this is a wonderful way to illustrate the story with fun through our hands.
Over the weeks more children have grown in confidence and started to feel increasingly comfortable about giving & receiving story massage having fun with nursery rhymes like Hickory Dickory Dock, celebrating Bonfire Night & Halloween with suitably exciting & scary stories and leading up to Christmas the children & staff have presented me with their own story massage songs about Christmas puddings & good old Jingle Bells. They really have become very competent in a life skill to connect positively through touch.
The manager commented one week that the children seemed so calm that afternoon. The children thoroughly look forward to the new stories and we explore kindness, bullying, and other subjects in friendly stories building empathy & reducing “antsy bottoms”. Story Massage is well documented to reduce bullying & aggression among children & young people, boosting their mental, physical, emotional & social health.
We have used the massage moves to energise a session and stretch and move and to send some children into dreamland. It has been quite beautiful.
If you would like me to bring Story Hands Massage to you, please feel free to call me on 07899 944650 … because I believe in happy beginnings!
Warm Tingley Seasonal Wishes to you, Nicolle Mitchell
Massage Practitioner & Story Massage Instructor
Kate King, registered Stress Management and Life skills Consultant,
will be running a range of Stress Relief courses and workshops from February on wards at the Blue lotus therapy centre.
If you are feeling anxious, depressed, or generally worn out and stressed, then this may be the answer you’ve been looking for.
The safe, supportive, small groups will help you understand the stress in your life, and you will learn a range of practical, emotional, cognitive life skills and relaxation techniques.
For more details and dates please see
www.holistichealthcornwall.co. uk/stress-relief-courses or contact Kate on 07391 893207 or at holistichealthcornwall@ outlook.com
Annamarie Roberts SNHS Dip.
We are delighted to offer our congratulations to Annamarie for her Grade A pass with Distinction in Diploma in Sports Nutrition.
Annamarie can now offer Sports Nutrition advice along with her Food Intolerance Testing
For further information visit http://givemebalance.com/ or phone for an appointment.
Live a life you love. Start here, start today – if not now, when?
Group workshops One – to – one Skype or phone.
Magic Carpet Ride Workshops at the Blue Lotus Therapy Centre Scorrier “Stepping into Your Power ” programme
Join us For one, some , or all of these dates : each is self – contained as well as part of a whole .
20 January Peace – Grounding
17 March Purpose – Reaching
19 May Passion – Expanding
7 July Power – Stepping Up
15 September Progress – Moving On
17 November Full cycle – Being You
Saturdays 10 am – 1 pm Price : £ 45 or £30 each event for block booking in advance (instalments possible)
Visit www.daretoblossom.co.uk for more information & to book Contact Mary Lunnen to book a complimentary
20 minute Skype or phone consultation to find out more: 07778 771021
Brian Tregunna – Life Coaching A Life Now Worth Living
I’m delighted to confirm that the book I am co-writing with a friend and coaching colleague, Ashley (Ash) Gordon, will be published in February/March 2018. ‘A Life Now Worth Living’ shares the details of a number of very important life-skills that Ash and others have used to achieve significant improvements in their lives. It has been written for people who want to read an interesting true story whilst also learning about several essential ‘tools to improve your life’ in an easy-to-read book.
Ash provides an open, thought-provoking and sometimes emotional insight into his experiences as a teenage soldier who completed two tours of Iraq before returning home with undiagnosed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) that led him to ‘breaking point’. His transformation to become a highly successful ‘master’ coach helping other people to improve their lives is truly inspirational.
For those who are faced with difficult challenges, dealing with negative emotions or struggling to achieve their goals, ‘A Life Now Worth Living’ explains how to let go, take action and move on with your life. If you would like some practical tried and tested advice, tools and techniques which could help you to overcome your problems and achieve your goals then ‘A Life Now Worth Living’ is for you.
To pre-order a copy of ‘A Life Now Worth Living’ for £9.99 email Brian Tregunna at tregunnalifecoaching@gmail.com or phone 07856571163.